Sunday, August 23, 2009

One Week Completed!

Congratulations to me! With this blog post, I have successfully finished the first week of my one year commitment to practicing yoga daily and writing about it!

Tonight I continued with my late night yoga trend. Instead of going it alone though, I decided to bring back an old friend - my Power Yoga for Beginners with Rodney Yee VHS tape. Yes, that's right. VHS. It's that old.

Power Yoga was my first Yoga video, and my first Yoga experience. I bought it back in 2001, when my first year of teaching High School was creating more stress than I had ever imagined possible. I had taken up jogging that year too, and I would jog first, then do this tape after to help keep me limber.

Since I've been having trouble focusing, I thought going back to the basics would help me. I know this tape so well, and practicing with it was like pulling a pair of favorite jeans that you haven't worn for a while. I fell back into the familiar rhythm, and let my mind focus on breath work. Before I knew it, the tape was done, and I felt great.

My lesson learned for today is that going back to basics can be a wonderful thing.


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